Penn Calendar Penn A-Z School of Arts and Sciences University of Pennsylvania

Annual Political Economy Workshop

The first Annual Political Economy Workshop will be hosted in Summer 2014. Its aim is to create a community of scholars to help develop policy relevant knowledge in United States regarding the intersection between Indian government policy, the larger Indian economy, and the Indian political environment. The goals of the workshop are to promote research, and to create a network of young faculty and policy researchers both within the US and between the US and India working on political economy issues.

[For more information please contact]

Research Affiliates

Arvind Subramanian

Chief Economic Adviser, Government of India

Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development (on leave)

Member, CASI International Advisory Board


Milan Vaishnav

Senior Associate, South Asia Program

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace



Neelanjan Sircar

Senior Fellow

Centre for Policy Research, Delhi