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Sobti Family Fellowships

The Center for the Advanced Study of India (CASI) aims to nurture a new generation of scholars in the study of contemporary India. In line with CASI’s vision, Penn Parents Rajiv Sobti GR’84 and Slomi Sobti, have created the Sobti Family Fellowships to support University of Pennsylvania graduate students in their research related to India’s current politics, society, economy, and international relations.

The Sobti Family Fellowship will provide a Penn doctoral student with $12,500 to develop independent research interests broadly related to CASI’s agenda. The award will include an unrestricted $10,000* grant with the addition of up to $2,500 in travel expenses, conference attendance fees, and research materials. The award can be received in conjunction with existing graduate funding.

The Sobti Fieldwork Fellowship will provide a Penn doctoral student funding ranging from $5,000 to $10,000 to develop independent research interests broadly related to CASI's agenda. This fellowship is intended for conducting dissertation fieldwork during academic year 2024-25.

Sobti Family Fellows are invited to join the CASI community. This includes integration into the Center’s wide network of scholars, participation in weekly seminars, and involvement in CASI’s additional activities. Sobti Family Fellows will receive a desk at CASI’s office and will be supervised by CASI’s Director.

The length of the 2024-25 Sobti Family Fellowships will be no less than one calendar year and will begin in the late summer or early fall of 2024.


Sobti Family Fellowship

Eligible applicants are current, full-time Penn doctoral students studying contemporary lndia. Preference will be given for (1) research in the social sciences or modern history broadly aligned with the research interests of CASI and (2) to students who intend to be on campus for the majority of the academic year. In order to maximize student engagement with CASI, Fellows will be expected to conduct the bulk of any fieldwork during the fellowship period over the summer months or while Penn is not in session.

Sobti Fieldwork Fellowship

Students should be current, full-time Penn doctoral students studying contemporary India during the award year. Preference will be given for (1) research in the social sciences or modern history broadly aligned with the research interests of CASI and (2) to students who intend to conduct dissertation fieldwork during academic year 2024-25. Awards are intended to support fieldwork in India. The award can be received in conjunction with existing graduate funding


Sobti Family Fellows are required to comply with the following during their Fellowship year:

  • Engage with CASI's events, activities, and Visiting Scholars
  • Conduct a presentation at CASI upon completion of the Fellowship
  • Submit a final, written report within 30 days of completion of the Fellowship outlining how the award has advanced their research and graduate studies

To Apply

Eligible students can apply for the Sobti Family Fellowship OR Sobti Fieldwork Fellowship by emailing the following items to Juni Bahuguna at

(1)  Personal statement: this should include your current research interests and goals; an abstract of your dissertation and summary of completed fieldwork (if applicable); and discuss the Fellowship’s role in advancing your graduate studies.
(2)  Recent Research or Writing: students should submit a recent example of academic writing relevant to the application (e.g. class research paper, dissertation chapter, etc.).
(3)  Curriculum Vitae
(4)  University of Pennsylvania Transcript: unofficial transcripts and screenshots are acceptable.
(5)  Letter of Recommendation: From student's graduate advisor or other faculty member at the University of Pennsylvania.

Please submit all documents in PDF format. The letter of recommendation should come directly from your referee. Please specify in your email subject if you are applying to Sobti Family Fellowship OR Sobti Fieldwork Fellowship. *Please note that you can only apply to one Fellowship*

Email Juni Bahuguna (Assistant Director, Student & Visitor Programs) at with any questions or concerns.


All Sobti Fellowship Applications Are Now CLOSED


History of the Sobti Family Fellowship:

The Sobti Family Fellowship originated in 2014 as a post-baccalaureate award to support recent Penn graduates in their efforts to conduct independent research projects in India. Fellows were required to spend at least nine months in India designing and executing a research projects relevant to their academic and professional interests.

In 2020, the Sobti Family Fellowship was restructured as a graduate fellowship to support current, full-time Penn graduate students in their research interests related to India’s current politics, society, economy, and international relations.

Read about CASI's commitment to student research and engagement in an article in the Power of Penn newsletter: "Eyes on India: The Center for the Advanced Study of India Brings Together Minds Across the Globe."