Penn Calendar Penn A-Z School of Arts and Sciences University of Pennsylvania

CASI Summer Internship Program in India Application

Applications for Summer 2020 Internships are now CLOSED

Application Instructions

  1. Complete the online application form
    You will not be able to save your application as you go. It is advisable that you answer all essay questions in a separate word document and paste your responses into the appropriate fields.
  2. Submit contact information for one reference (academic or professional references are acceptable; friends and family members are not acceptable)
    The referee should be familiar with your work ethic, attitude, and social skills. Be sure to let your reference know that he/she may receive a call regarding this internship opportunity.
  3. Upload your resume, cover letter, and unofficial transcript (you can use a screenshot of your Penn InTouch unofficial transcript)
    Please only submit PDF documents and use the following naming format: Lastname_Firstname_TypeofDocument.pdf

Application Checklist

  1. Online Application - Apply Here
  2. Reference Contact Information
  3. Resume
  4. Cover Letter
  5. Unofficial Transcript

After submitting the application, you will be sent a confirmation email. If you do not receive this email, your response has not been recorded.

For any questions or concerns, please email: