Due to the rapidly evolving COVID-19 crisis, we will be issuing a special series in India in Transition on COVID-19's impacts and implications across India's society, economy, and public life. In light of the urgency of the situation, we will be publishing articles more frequently than at our usual biweekly intervals. We thank you for reading and welcome your comments and suggestions at casi@sas.upenn.edu.
Marshall M. Bouton
CASI Acting Director & Visiting Scholar
COVID-19 Could Fundamentally Change India’s Political Economy
Roshan Kishore
March 30, 2020
In the first issue of India in Transition's Special COVID-19 Series, Roshan Kishore, Data & Political Economy Editor, Hindustan Times, and Spring 2020 Visiting Fellow, argues that the economic costs of the 21 day lockdown to fight COVID-19 could end up instilling a collective consciousness among India’s informal workers, which, in turn, could fundamentally alter political economy fault lines.
*Interested in writing for IiT? Now open for submissions*
CASI in the News
CASI Senior Fellow and former Director (2006-18), Devesh Kapur (Starr Foundation South Asia Studies Professor and Asia Programs Director, SAIS, Johns Hopkins University), published "In Times of a COVID-19 Lockdown, Protecting Lives and Livelihoods" in the March 27, 2020 issue of Hindustan Times.
Video of CASI-PWH Khemka Distinguished Lecture by Somini Sengupta
On March 3, 2020, Somini Sengupta, international climate correspondent, The New York Times, gave a CASI Nand & Jeet Khemka Distinguished Lecture in partnership with Perry World House titled "Climate Change in India: Supersizing Risks for India’s Poor."
New CASI Podcast Episode
Hosted by Gautam Nair (CASI Visiting Dissertation Fellow). As part of the Spring 2020 Seminar Series, Kaivan Munshi (Professor of Economics, Yale University) discusses his recent CASI seminar on "Economic Development, the Nutrition Trap, and Metabolic Disease."
Listen to CASI's podcast series on iTunes and SoundCloud.
CASI Student Programs
DEADLINE TODAY for Sobti Family Fellowship for Doctoral Students!
With support from Penn parents, Rajiv Sobti GR’84 and Slomi Sobti, the Sobti Family Fellowship will provide two doctoral students with $12,500 each to develop independent research projects broadly related to India’s politics, economy, and international relations. Deadline: TODAY, March 30, 2020
DEADLINE TODAY for CASI 2020 Summer Research Grants!
In lieu of Travel Funds, CASI invites students to apply for U.S.-based summer research grants to support their ongoing study of contemporary India. Deadline: TODAY, March 30, 2020
Student Photo Contest: Winning Photos Now Displayed at CASI
The winning photos for the 2019-20 academic year can be viewed HERE!
By highlighting India's immense diversity through the lens of the Penn community, we want to see India through the eyes of our students. The winning photos are professionally printed and displayed at CASI.
Read about the experiences of the 2019 Summer Interns and Travel Funds Recipients on the CASI Student Programs Blog. To receive as an email, go to casistudentprograms.com and enter your email on the bottom left “+follow” icon.
Learn More:
View the CASI Student Programs Video and follow CASI Student Programs on Instagram @casistudentprograms
Questions about CASI Student Programs?
Please contact Laura Iwanyk, Assistant Director, CASI Student Programs and Outreach, liwanyk@upenn.edu
Campus Location
CASI's office is located close to the heart of Penn's campus at the Ronald O. Perelman Center for Political Science & Economics at 133 South 36th Street (Suite 230) Philadelphia, PA 19104-6215.