Expanding Care Economy in South Asia
Francis Kuriakose & Deepa Iyer
October 7, 2019
In this issue of India in Transition, Francis Kuriakose (Advisor, Cambridge Development Initiative, University of Cambridge) and Deepa Iyer (doctoral candidate, Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge) discuss the need for comprehensive and sustained investment in the care economy for India and other South Asian countries.
*Interested in writing for IiT? Now open for submissions*
CASI in the News
Devesh Kapur (CASI Senior Fellow and former Director, 2006-18, and Starr Foundation South Asia Studies Professor and Asia Programs Director, SAIS, Johns Hopkins University) published "The Indian Prime Minister and Trump Addressed a Houston Rally. Who Was Signaling What?" in the September 29, 2019 issue of The Washington Post.
Upcoming Events
October 17, 2019, 12:00-1:30 p.m. at CASI
"Emerging Implications of India's POSH Act"
CASI Seminar with Nitya Thummalachetty (CEO & Co-Founder, FortunaHLTH)
October 24, 2019, 12:00-1:30 p.m. at CASI
"Gender Quotas and Politician Performance in Indian Local Government"
CASI Seminar with Alexander Lee (Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Rochester)
October 31, 2019, 12:00-1:30 p.m. at CASI
"The Absent Dialogue: Politicians, Bureaucrats, and the Military in India"
Book Talk with Author Anit Mukherjee (Assistant Professor, RSIS, Nanyang Technological University; CASI Non-Resident Visiting Scholar)
November 5, 2019, 12:00-1:30 p.m. at CASI
"Imperialism and the Developing World: East India Company Revisited"
Book Talk with Author Atul Kohli (David K. E. Bruce Professor of International Affairs, Princeton University; former CASI Visiting Scholar)
CASI Student Programs
Details on the Summer 2020 Application Process coming soon! Read about the experiences of the 2019 Summer Interns and Travel Funds Recipients on the CASI Student Programs Blog. To receive as an email, go to casistudentprograms.com and enter your email on the bottom left “+follow” icon.
Learn More:
View the CASI Student Programs Video and follow CASI Student Programs on Instagram @casistudentprograms
Questions about CASI Student Programs?
Please contact Laura Iwanyk, Assistant Director, CASI Student Programs and Outreach, liwanyk@upenn.edu
Campus Location
CASI's office is located close to the heart of Penn's campus at the Ronald O. Perelman Center for Political Science & Economics at 133 South 36th Street (Suite 230) Philadelphia, PA 19104-6215.