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Penn School of Arts and Sciences Monday, April 24, 2023

In Memoriam: Keshub Mahindra (1923-2023)

The CASI & UPIASI community sadly announces the passing of Keshub Mahindra, Wharton'47, Chairman Emeritus, Mahindra & Mahindra, Former President of the UPIASI Governing Council (1995-2011), and Honorary CASI IAB member. A renowned industry leader and philanthropist, his vision guided UPIASI's setting up and functioning for over 15 years.

“I had the great privilege of coming to know Keshub Mahindra over the 30 years of my association with CASI and UPIASI. Both institutions owe their beginnings and success to Keshub’s vision, counsel, and support. He was a model of wise leadership and integrity who cared most for India’s future and will be sorely missed.” -Marshall M. Bouton (CASI Senior Fellow; Acting Director & Visiting Scholar, 2018-20; IAB Chairman, 2004-12)

Crossroads and Conscience: Streets as Political Spaces in Kerala

S. Harikrishnan
April 24, 2023

In the latest issue of India in Transition, S. Harikrishnan (Assistant Professor, Dublin City University) discusses the ways in which streets continue to witness significant events that shape the political milieu of Kerala.

Read More

Upcoming Events

CASI Spring 2023 Saluja Global Fellow Lecture

Tuesday, April 25, 2023, 4:30pm EDT at the World Forum, Perry World House (3803 Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA 19104)
"Lineages of Indian Environmentalism"
[Registration required]

Spring 2023 Saluja Global Fellow, Ramachandra Guha (with Penn Faculty Discussants, Michael Mann and Mark Lycett)
co-sponsored by Perry World House, Penn Environmental Innovation Initiatives, and South Asia Center

2023 CASI VIRTUAL Data Seminar Series

CASI's Data Seminar Series continues in Summer 2023 on the following Wednesdays at 10:00am EDT / 7:30pm IST. All seminars will be held virtually and speakers will be hosted by Rukmini S. (Independent Data Journalist; CASI Fall 2022 Visiting Fellow). Registration information coming soon!

May 24, 2023
"Demographic Transitions: Fertility and Mortality"
Aashish Gupta
(Demographer and Sociologist, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow, University of Oxford)

June 14, 2023
"Women In (and Out of) the Workforce"
Vidya Mahambare
(Professor and Director, Research, Great Lakes Institute of Management) & Sowmya Dhanaraj (Senior Research Fellow, Good Business Lab and Assistant Professor, Madras School of Economics)

July 12, 2023
"Health Data: Indicators and Access"       
William Joe
(Assistant Professor, Population Research Center, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi, and Bernard Lown Scholar, Harvard-Chan School of Public Health)

August 23, 2023
"Sub-National Administrative Data: The New Frontier"           
Neelanjan Sircar
(Senior Fellow, CPR and Assistant Professor, Ashoka University)

View Videos of Past Data Seminar Series Lectures

CASI Student Programs

2023 Summer Travel Funds and 2023-24 Sobti Family Fellowship application deadlines are now CLOSED—thanks to all who applied! Winners will be announced soon!

Read all about how past travel funds winners spent their summers in India on the CASI Student Programs Blog!

Questions about CASI Student Programs?
Please contact Juni Bahuguna (Assistant Director, Student & Visitor Programs) at junib@sas.upenn.edu

Campus Location

CASI's office is located close to the heart of Penn's campus at the Ronald O. Perelman Center for Political Science & Economics at 133 South 36th Street (Suite 230) Philadelphia, PA 19104-6215.

Please note: CASI is operating on a hybrid schedule.

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