Penn Calendar Penn A-Z School of Arts and Sciences University of Pennsylvania

CASI Announces Winners of Summer 2015 Travel Funds Competition


Aravind Eye Care Systems

Busra Gungor, C’17, Biological Basis of Behavior, Biology, Madurai, Tamil Nadu

Olivia Hess, C’18, Biological Basis of Behavior, Health Care Management, Madurai, Tamil Nadu

Vivek Nimgaonkar, C W’16, Vagelos Program in Life Sciences and Management, Biology, Economics, Madurai, Tamil Nadu



Ravi Jain, C’17, South Asia Studies, Kangra District, Himachal Pradesh

Kurt Koehler, C’16, Health and Societies, Kangra District, Himachal Pradesh

Michelle Lopez, C’16, International Relations, Kangra District, Himachal Pradesh


Jana Foundation

Kevin Park, W’17, Finance, Strategic Management, and Social Impact and Responsibility, Jana Foundation, Bangalore, Karnataka

Jacob Van Houten, C’17, Mathematical Economics, Jana Foundation, Bangalore, Karnataka


LEAP Skills Academy

Laura Harris, GSE’16, Intercultural Communication, Yamuna Nagar, Harayana

Li He (Bill) He, SEAS'18, Engineering, Freshmen, Computer Engineering and Environmental Studies, Yamuna Nagar, Harayana

Leora Mincer, C’17, History, English, Yamuna Nagar, Harayana

Eileen Shentu, W’17, Operations Management, Yamuna Nagar, Harayana


Samaj pragati Sahayog

Kelly Bridges, C’16, Junior, Science and Technology, Environmental Studies, Dewas, Madhya Pradesh

Andrew Shannon, C’15, MES’16, Geology, Environmental Studies, Dewas, Madhya Pradesh


Shahi Exports

Kendra Carson, C’16, Linguistics, Bangalore, Karnataka

Valentine d’Hauteville, C’17, Physics, Bangalore, Karnataka

Chan N. Nguyen, C’16, Biology, Bangalore, Karnataka 

Amy Summer, C’16, Medical Anthropology, Bangalore, Karnataka 


2015 Travel Funds for Research Winners

Alex Hoppe, School of Arts and Sciences, Ph D Candidate, Sociology, Second Year
The Social Life of Apparel: Fashion Buyers in India and the United States

Matthew Kavanagh, School of Arts and Sciences, Ph D Candidate, Political Science, Fourth Year
Health Rights: The Constitution and Political Economy of Social Policy in India

Gretchen Landin, School of Veterinary Medicine, V’17
A Survey and Assessment of Dairy Livestock Nutrition and Reproduction with Potential Educational Initiatives in Mahabubnagar District, Andhra Pradesh, India


Sobti Family Post-Baccalaureate Fellow

Sindhuri Nandhakumar C'14, 2015-16