Aravind Eye Care Systems
Lizette Grajales C'19, Biological Basis of Behavior, Madurai, Tamil Nadu
Madeleine Grunde-McLaughlin C’20, Cognitive Science, Madurai, Tamil Nadu
Oliver Priebe C W’21, Vagelos Program in Life Science and Management, Biophysics and Statistics, Madurai, Tamil Nadu
Roshni Kailar C’20, Biology, Madurai, Tamil Nadu
LEAP Skills Academy
Makeda Barr-Brown C'19, International Relations, New Delhi
Naandi Foundation
Veena Bhagavathi C’19, Biology, Araku Valley, Andhra Pradesh
Ju Yeon Choi C’20, Biology, Araku Valley, Andhra Pradesh
Public Health Foundation of India
Varshini Gali C’20, Health and Societies, Gurgaon, Harayana
Hareena Kaur C’20, Biological Basis of Behavior, Gurgaon, Harayana
Shahi Exports
Siddharth Mehra C’19, History, Bangalore, India
Piotr Wojcik C’20, Urban Studies, Bangalore, India
Stephanie Wu W’20, Business Economics and Public Policy, and Statistics, Bangalore, India
Angela Yang C’21, International Relations, Bangalore, India
2018 CASI Travel Funds for Research Winners
Akudo Ejelonu, School of Arts and Sciences and Perelman School of Medicine, Masters in Public Health and Masters of Environmental Studies Candidate
Women's Voice: An Environmental Health Project in Kolkata
Sumitra Badrinathan, School of Arts and Sciences, Ph.D. Candidate, Political Science
The Differential Effect of Media Exposure on Women’s Participation: Evidence from India
Pooja Nayak, School of Arts and Sciences, Ph.D. Candidate, Anthropology
Work, Biodiversity, and Value in South India’s Deindustrial Margins
Megan Reed, School of Arts and Sciences, Ph.D. Candidate, Sociology
The Family Dynamics behind Arranged and “Joint-Arranged” Marriage in Delhi
Sobti Family Post-Baccalaureate Fellow
Annie Liu C'16, 2018-19