Panel I: New Developments in the Study of Indian Politics
The presentations in this panel will discuss new trends in election studies and survey research, and the study of new phenomena and new explanations of how Indian politics is evolving including the impact of new media, and of possible ongoing shifts from patronage politics to the politics of identity and ideology.
Panel II: The Evolution of India’s International Relations in a Changing World
The presentations in this panel will discuss select issues in India’s international relations in the evolving post-Galwan, post-Ukraine global and regional strategic landscape, including India’s challenges and choices as well as India’s capabilities in the nuclear, missile and space arenas.
Panel III: India’s Economic Reform and Development Trajectory, Going Forward
This panel will discuss select current issues in India’s economic development and policy evolution including the negotiation of free trade and investment agreements, the burst of innovation and entrepreneurship recently seen, and the longer-term issues posed by the earlier than expected slowdown of population growth on the structure of the economy and its growth challenges, going forward.