Michael Golden and Betty Chandy (Penn GSE) join us to discuss Catalyst @ Penn GSE and the many ways in which they are working with teachers in India to equip them with the knowledge and skills to adapt and enhance the classroom experience through the use of technology. The discussion was moderated by Dean Pam Grossman (Penn GSE).
About the Penn in India Faculty Speaker Series:
The Penn in India: Faculty Speaker Series aims to highlight the wide range of research conducted by Penn faculty in India and engage the Penn community in intimate conversations on a broad range of topics. During each session, Penn faculty engage in a 60-minute virtual, moderated discussion about their work covering a wide range of research interests, from the urban studies and politics, to behavioral economics and health, to online education. The Faculty Speaker Series is sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania Institute for the Advanced Study of India (UPIASI), Penn Global, and Penn Alumni. These events are geared toward the Penn alumni community in India; however, members of the wider Penn and academic communities are always welcome.