Penn Calendar Penn A-Z School of Arts and Sciences University of Pennsylvania

India After Covid: Recovery and Onward

Penn India Engagement Forum 2023

in partnership with CASI, UPIASI, and Penn Global

Thursday, January 5, 2023 - 01:00
Taj Palace, New Delhi, India

India, like the rest of the world, is faced with two crises. One is the immediate, once-in-a-century Covid-19 crisis and its attendant economic contraction, and the other is a gradually unfolding long-term environmental crisis of climate change with its economic implications. India's political and economic policymaking institutions must cope with these tremendous challenges in the immediate moment and over the longer term. This Penn India Engagement Forum addresses the issues of India's recovery and onward development, covering a broad range of issues in its three panels - healthcare reforms, education in a digitalizing economy, and economic recovery, entrepreneurship and innovation.

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1:00 PM              Registration and Light Lunch


2:00 PM              Opening Remarks
Ezekiel J. Emanuel, Vice Provost for Global Initiatives, University of Pennsylvania

2:15 PM              Panel I: Healthcare Reform
Prof. K. Srinath Reddy (Public Health Foundation of India), 
Dr. N Ravichandran (Jamia Hamdard) and Dr. Vinay Nadkarni (Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania)

3:30 PM              Panel II: Digitization & Education
Pramath Sinha, GR’91 (Harappa Education), Binod Khadria (Jawahar Lal Nehru University) and Betty Chandy (University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education)

4:45 PM              Panel III: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and India’s Economy
Vijay Kumar (University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering and Applied Science), Rajeswari Sengupta (Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research) and Ravi Gururaj, ENG’89, W’89 (LeapMile Logistics)

5:45 PM              Closing Remarks
Eswaran Sridharan, Academic Director, University of Pennsylvania Institute for the Advanced Study of India (UPIASI)


6:00 PM              Reception

7:00 PM              A Conversation with the Deans of Wharton and Engineering

Erika H. James, Dean, The Wharton School and Vijay Kumar, Nemirovsky Family Dean, School of Engineering and Applied Science, in conversation with Pia Singh, W’94, Director, DLF Limited

8:00 PM              Vote of Thanks & Dinner
Tariq Thachil, Director, Center for the Advanced Study of India (CASI)