Aparna Pasumarthy
CASI Non-Resident Visiting Scholar
Garware Post-Doctoral Fellow, UPIASI
Dr. Aparna Pasumarthy is the Garware Post-Doctoral Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania Institute for Advanced Study of India (UPIASI). Her research interests include gender, careers, organizational behavior, and leadership. Aparna's postdoctoral research project focuses on the (un)sustainable careers of professional men and women in India. The study examines the personal and professional aspirations of individuals in contemporary India considering their contexts (societal, organizational, individual) and delineates how professionals navigate their careers and life.
Aparna is an interdisciplinary qualitative researcher. She earned a PhD (Business and Management) from Queen Mary, University of London in 2024. Her doctoral thesis examined Indian professional women's definitions of success, their defining career experiences, and career advancement strategies. Aparna has presented her research at several international conferences and intends to publish her work in leading academic journals. Prior to her PhD, Aparna completed her MSc (International Management) at the University of Bath and her Bachelors (Commerce) from Osmania University.
Apart from research, Aparna enjoys making complex management theory accessible to students. She taught postgraduate and undergraduate students for three years at the School of Business and Management, QMUL. Among other professional affiliations, Aparna is an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.