The US-India Collaboration in the Fight Against COVID-19
Rupakjyoti Borah
September 13, 2021
In the latest issue of India in Transition's Special COVID-19 Series (Part 2), Rupakjyoti Borah (JFSS, Tokyo) discusses the lessons learned and mistakes made within the US and India's combined efforts against COVID-19, especially in light of a potential third wave.
Meet the 2021-22 CASI Visiting Scholars & Fellows! CASI is fortunate to have these 21 distinguished researchers, in residence and non-resident, serve as Visiting Scholars & Senior Fellows, Postdocs, and Sobti Family Doctoral Fellows for the academic year. In keeping with CASI’s commitment to supporting research on contemporary India across the social sciences, these scholars hail from a variety of disciplines and their work showcases research excellence across a wide range of methodological orientations and subject areas.
New Publications:
Eswaran Sridharan (Academic Director & Chief Executive, UPIASI and CASI Non-Resident Visiting Scholar) edited Eastward Ho? India's Relations with the Indo-Pacific, published by Orient BlackSwan, 2021. The book launch was commemorated by a virtual discussion on August 27, 2021.
The March 2021 CASI Working Paper "Creating a Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise Focused Credit Risk Database in India: An Exploratory Study" by Savita Shankar (Lecturer, School of Social Policy & Practice, Penn; CASI 2019-21 Non-Resident Visiting Scholar) is now available in Hindi.
We are pleased to launch the 2021-22 CASI Virtual Seminar Series. Our weekly talks this semester will be held virtually from 12:00-1:00pm EDT/EST (9:30/10:30pm IST). Events details and registration information are below.
September 23, 2021, 12 noon EDT | 9:30pm IST via Zoom
"Modernity Without Alterity: Caste Associations and Hindu Cosmopolitanism in Mumbai"
A CASI-South Asia Center Seminar with Suryakant Waghmore (Professor of Sociology, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Bombay)
September 30, 2021, 12 noon EDT | 9:30pm IST via Zoom
"Residential Segregation in an Urbanizing India"
CASI / South Asia Center / Penn Institute for Urban Research Seminar with Naveen Bharathi (CASI Postdoctoral Research Fellow)
REGISTER for CASI Fall 2021 Events
CASI Student Programs
2021 Summer Research Grants recipients have wrapped up their projects. Subscribe to the CASI Student Programs Blog and read about how they spent their summer!
Questions about CASI Student Programs?Please contact Laura Iwanyk, Assistant Director, CASI Student Programs and Outreach,
Campus Location
CASI's office is located close to the heart of Penn's campus at the Ronald O. Perelman Center for Political Science & Economics at 133 South 36th Street (Suite 230) Philadelphia, PA 19104-6215.
Please note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, CASI is operating on a hybrid schedule.