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Penn School of Arts and Sciences Monday, December 14, 2015

Do Local Leaders Prioritize the Poor? Distributive Preferences in India

Mark Schneider
December 14, 2015

In this issue of India in Transition, Mark Schneider, Visiting Professor of Political Science, Swarthmore College, and CASI Non-Resident Visiting Scholar, argues that rural voters in India use local elections to elect village council presidents (sarpanch) who prioritize the poor with respect to low-value subsistence benefits.

Full Article

CASI Student Programs

Sobti Family Fellowship Applications Now Open!
Are you a recent Penn graduate interested in spending 9 months in India working on an independent research project?
Applications are due on Friday, January 22, 2016.
Drop by an advising session with the Student Programs Manager or Travel Funds Winner
Read the reflections of 2015 CASI Summer Interns and Travel Funds for Research Winners on the Student Programs blog. To receive the blog as an email, go to www.casistudentprograms.com and click on the "+" in the bottom right corner and enter your email address. You can also follow the CASI Student Programs on Instagram @casistudentprograms
Save the Date:

Chai Chats
Thinking about a CASI internship this summer? CASI interns will be holding Chai Chats on campus at the 1920 Commons Starbucks — new dates will soon be added for January 2016. Drop by and meet with a former CASI intern and learn more about their experiences in India.

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