CASI Sobti Fellows & Winners of Summer 2021 Research Grants [1]
Megan Reed: School of Arts & Sciences, Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology
Three Chapters on Marriage and the Reproduction of Social Inequalities in India
Rithika Kumar: School of Arts & Sciences, Ph.D. Candidate in Political Science
The Politics, They are A-Changin’: Making Sense of Rising Female Political Participation in India
Arnav Bhattachaya: School of Arts & Sciences, Ph.D. Candidate in History & Sociology of Science
Making Sex Scientific: A History of Sexual Science in India
Raka Sen: School of Arts & Sciences, Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology
Everyday Adaptations: How Adapting to Climate Change is Reshaping the Sociopolitical Landscape of the Sandarbans
Anahita Kumar: Graduate School of Education, Ph.D. Candidate in Education
Nudging Parent-Child Engagement: A Technology-based Intervention to Promote Child Development during COVID-19 School Closures in India
Kim Fernandes: School of Arts & Sciences / Graduate School of Education, Ph.D. Candidate in Anthropology and Education
Disability in India: How Does the Emergence of Bureaucratic Structures to Make the Disabled Body Knowable Influence the Everyday Experiences of the Disabled?
Nico Millman: School of Arts & Sciences, Ph.D. Candidate in English
The Agrarian Question in Literature and Politics across South Asia and Latin America, 1910s-Present
Rashi Sabherwal: School of Arts & Sciences, Ph.D. Candidate in Political Science
Female Political Participation in India: Understanding the Challenges and Opportunities to Women’s Autonomous Political Participation Across a Range of Measures
Sobti Family Doctoral Fellows
Sneha Sarah Mani, Graduate Group of Demography, 2021-22
Kimberly Noronha, City and Regional Planning, 2021-22