India Connected: How the Smartphone is Transforming the World's Largest Democracy [1]

Watch Full Video [2]
About the Author:
Ravi Agrawal is the Managing Editor of Foreign Policy and an award-winning journalist. He previously worked for CNN for more than a decade in London, New York, and New Delhi, where he served as South Asia bureau chief. Agrawal currently lives in Brooklyn. India Connected is his debut book.
Book Sale & Signing:
India Connected will be sold by a representative of the Penn Bookstore at Perry World House immediately following the talk at 1:30 p.m.
About the Book:
India Connected: How the Smartphone is Transforming the World's Largest Democracy (Oxford University Press, 2018) [3]
The rise of smartphones—and with them access to the Internet—has caused nothing short of a revolution in India. India Connected takes readers on a journey across India to show how these devices have helped people leapfrog over the technological advances of the West, disrupting centuries of tradition and barriers of wealth, language, literacy, caste, and gender.
[Event Flyer] [4]