CASI Announces Winners of Summer 2018 Travel Funds Competition [1]
Aravind Eye Care Systems
Lizette Grajales [2] C'19, Biological Basis of Behavior, Madurai, Tamil Nadu
Madeleine Grunde-McLaughlin [3] C’20, Cognitive Science, Madurai, Tamil Nadu
Oliver Priebe [4] C W’21, Vagelos Program in Life Science and Management, Biophysics and Statistics, Madurai, Tamil Nadu
Roshni Kailar [5] C’20, Biology, Madurai, Tamil Nadu
LEAP Skills Academy
Makeda Barr-Brown [6] C'19, International Relations, New Delhi
Naandi Foundation
Veena Bhagavathi [7]C’19, Biology, Araku Valley, Andhra Pradesh
Ju Yeon Choi [8] C’20, Biology, Araku Valley, Andhra Pradesh
Public Health Foundation of India
Varshini Gali [9] C’20, Health and Societies, Gurgaon, Harayana
Hareena Kaur [10] C’20, Biological Basis of Behavior, Gurgaon, Harayana
Shahi Exports
Siddharth Mehra [11] C’19, History, Bangalore, India
Piotr Wojcik [12] C’20, Urban Studies, Bangalore, India
Stephanie Wu [13] W’20, Business Economics and Public Policy, and Statistics, Bangalore, India
Angela Yang [14] C’21, International Relations, Bangalore, India
2018 CASI Travel Funds for Research Winners
Akudo Ejelonu [15], School of Arts and Sciences and Perelman School of Medicine, Masters in Public Health and Masters of Environmental Studies Candidate
Women's Voice: An Environmental Health Project in Kolkata
Sumitra Badrinathan, School of Arts and Sciences, Ph.D. Candidate, Political Science
The Differential Effect of Media Exposure on Women’s Participation: Evidence from India
Pooja Nayak [16], School of Arts and Sciences, Ph.D. Candidate, Anthropology
Work, Biodiversity, and Value in South India’s Deindustrial Margins
Megan Reed [17], School of Arts and Sciences, Ph.D. Candidate, Sociology
The Family Dynamics behind Arranged and “Joint-Arranged” Marriage in Delhi
Sobti Family Post-Baccalaureate Fellow
Annie Liu C'16, 2018-19