Coalition Politics in India: A Comparative Perspective [1]

Dr. Sridharan (PhD Political Science, Penn '89) joined UPIASI (University of Pennsylvania Institute for the Advanced Study of India) as Academic Director in 1997. From September 2005 forward, he has assumed the role of Acting Secretary-General as well.
Dr. Sridharan's work covers a broad range of issues in comparative politics and international relations. This includes a book titled The Political Economy of Industrial Production: Indian, Brazilian, and Korean Electronics in Comparative Perspective (Praeger, 1996) and three co-edited books, India in the Global Software Industry [3] (Palgrave Macmillian, 2004), India's Living Constitution [4] (Anthem Press, 2005) and India's Political Parties [5] (Sage, 2006). His most recent scholarship examines political parties and the logic of coalition formation in India, and South Asian conflict and cooperation in the light of international relations theory.